Sunday, November 16, 2008

"Barbie Doll"

This poem deals alot with growing up and how the public and people view woman. How they pick apart women and that they should all be perfect like a barbie doll. The woman/girl described in this story is perfectly healthy such stated "She was healthy, tested intelligent, posssessed strong arms and back, abundant sexual drive and manual desterity." Barbie Doll, Marge Piercy. She had it all but according to some mean people that made fun of her legs and nose being to big. This story describes alot what happens in todays society. How everyone should be thin and perfect and do anything they can to get there bodies to look that way: diet, exercise, botox, and surgery. In the end she becomes so overwhelmed that she cuts them off and dies trying to be something she is not. Many of todays actors/actresses have died or come close to it because of trying to make themselves look thin and beatiful for the public. We live in a cruel and sick world based on looks. Looks doesn't get you everything but sad to say in todays world it can get you alot.

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