Saturday, February 13, 2010

"Barbie Doll"

Both young mean and woman go through that phase in middle/high school where they don't think anything could go worse. It is a tough time for any young man or woman. Although both genders have this rough point in their lives, young woman have it worse, only because of the higher standards that I believe are set for them. Young woman, at all times, have to look smashing, while for young men it just doesn't seem to be as important. Young men still have peer pressure though. They are expected by their peers to "act tough" and not be a "wuss" or baby. If a boy cries, well that is the end of any manlihood that he had in middle school. He will be teased about that happening until they are older and matured. Once again, I believe parents of girls expect more out of them when it comes to schooling, then parents of boys. Boys are more into athletics and therefore when it comes to sports, parents of boys expect more. Like I referred to earlier, a girl is expected to always "look good," when for a boy it isn't as prominent.
If I were to re-write this poem and write it about a boy's life experience, I would title the poem, "Average Joe." There have been references to the "average joe" on television shows before, and it is supposed to be the ideal man a woman would want. I would show the reader what makes a young man act the way they do, and I would use words that a young man would understand. Words that articulate the importance of the meaning I am trying to portray.

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