Saturday, January 31, 2009

"The Chrysanthemums" By: John Steinbeck

Elisa a struggling trying to find her sexuality, while her love and passion is her garden. She seems to have no children and her husband seem to admire there romance. First we see a sing of symbolism when she is working with the Chrysanthemums and he love and care toward them. She indicates that “No aphids were there, no sowbugs or snails or cutworms. With her fingers destroyed such pets before they could get started (Steinbeck).” In the quote the pets are harmful to the flowers. She is also referring to the Chrysanthemums a sing of symbolism to children of her own and that she is mending them and taking care of them so they don’t get hurt. As the story shows that Elisa takes great pried in her work and love what she does for her self, and have the ability to nurture beautiful flowers.
Getting more indepth of the story you come across another symbolism showing Elisa womanly side and sexuality side. When Henry her husband fails to see the beauty in the flowers and comment saying "I wished that you'd be working in the orchard to raise our apples big (Steinbeck)". the quote shows us how feminine she is and that she'd rather work in the garden than out in a field where that's a mans job.

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