Thursday, January 29, 2009

"Doe Season" By David Kaplan

In the story “Doe Season” by David Kaplan it has a couple different symbols that go along with how Andy goes from being a daddy’s girl or a tomboy to becoming a woman. The point where Mac mad her mad and she wanted to throw snow at him but she didn’t cause she didn’t want to displease her dad.(458) Goes to show she is there to please her father. Also when she was given coffee by her father she held the cup like him and “She drank it even though it made her feel queasy” (459). One of the reasons her father let her come with is because she is good luck. “Animals, I don’t know how she does it, but they come right up to her” (457) Then when she does see a deer and they come to shoot it, her dad offers and then pressures her to shoot it. She didn’t want to shoot it. She wanted it to run away. She does finally shoot it with a clean shot it falls down, and then they go over to see the deer it got up and walked away. “What have I done?” “Please let it die” (465) she couldn’t believe that she actually shot the deer. She had hurt an animal and she didn’t want it to suffer. Then when she had a dream her arm was in the dear feeling its heart beat her hand was burning hot and she couldn’t get it out. She was feeling guilty for what she had done. So now when they started to gut the deer she couldn’t handle any of it she turned and started to run away. They hollered “Andy Andy, but that wasn’t her name, she would no longer be called by that” (467). This is where she realized that this was not her. She was not a boy, she was a girl.

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