Thursday, January 15, 2009

"A Rose for Emily"

"A Rose for Emily" is told by a close neighbor that watches over Emily and the estate. The narrator makes it very interesting in the way that the story is told by keeping you in suspense. Emily only had her father and when he passed away there was nothing except the house. Men came when her father was alive but he drove all of them away. She had been alone for a short while and then met Homer. A man that took her out on Sundays in the buggy and made her feel good again. She must of known that Homer wouldn't of married her. "He liked men and drank with younger men in the Elks club, he was not a marrying man"(line 34-35). She was still in love with him no matter what and didn't want to lose him at any cost. She wanted to marry him but had some intuition that he might not. She had bought the arsenic before he had arrived the second time in which ended up killing him. She now had him forever and no one could take him away. She felt at peace when he was there and she could lay by him and know he wasn't going anywhere.


Anonymous said...

looks good!!! way to go..see you can do it!!

P. Holly said...

This is a great interpretation of the story. I've been searching the web for people's opinions on "A Rose for Emily". I'm taking a similar class at Gainesville State College in Georgia. Great Blog..I'll be back.

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