Friday, January 16, 2009


Sammy's background might have gave him some motivation to quit his job.
Sammy's family was not very rich in sense of " When my parents had someone over they get lemonade"(para. 14). So when he caught his eye on a fascinating girl in which he named "Queenie" he fell for her. He pictured her family as eating "herring snacks on toothpicks off a big plate"(para. 14) which meant that they were well off. There was three girls and she was the leader. "She had oaky brown hair that the sun and salt had bleached, she held her head so high her neck, coming up out of those white shoulders, looked kind of stretched but I didn't mind." (para. 4). So then when Lengal happened to see the girls he was upset. Lengel stated "Girls, this isn't the beach"(para. 13). They got upset and made a comment back and became embarrassed. In which turn upset Sammy, he had a thing for Queenie. So to catch her attention hopefully as she was walking towards the door he stated "I Quit"(para. 22). The girls kept on going, but now that he had started he had to finish. Ended up quitting and running out the door hoping that the girls would of been there. They were already gone. So he lost a job to impress a girl that he liked, in turn he ended up with nothing.

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