Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Kite Runner II

“Some day, Inshallah, you will be a great writer, he had said once, and people all over the world will read your stories. There was so much goodness in my life. So much happiness. I wondered whether I deserved any of it.” Pg. 183“ . . . , and I had this: that perhaps something, someone, somewhere, had decided to deny my fatherhood for the things I had done. Maybe this was my punishment, and perhaps justly so, . . . or maybe it was meant not to be.” Pg. 188 “Come. There is a way to be good again.” Pg. 192 I think that Amir feels that his life is still missing something-Hassan. He didn’t get closure when Hassan left and Amir never faced what he did. I think Amir is waiting for something physically or emotionally to happen in his life that will help him be at ease with what he did to Hassan. His marriage with Soraya will never be completely happy unless he tells her about the past. She was able to open up to him and be honest, completely. He hasn’t done that yet and it’s definitely affecting their relationship. I think that Soraya knows that there is something that Amir is not telling her, she understands that everyone has something in their past that they are ashamed of. He shouldn’t be so concerned with telling her, I feel that she would understand and be strong for him. Amir now has the opportunity to go back to his homeland and I think that he feels that if he goes back there will be something there to help him deal with the past. Of course he is going to take this opportunity to go and face his biggest fear-coming to terms with what he did. He is desperate to lead a normal, happy life with his new wife and I think he’s very close to getting that.

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