Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Lottery

I did not like this story. All 300 towns people; men, women, and children all gathering around the town square as if there was a big party going on. "Children assembled first...stuffing pockets with stones...picking the smoothest and roundest stones. The men gathered next...speaking of planting and rain, tractors and taxes. Soon the women...calling the children" (405). It took me two times of reading this story to catch that the children were collecting rocks. I guess the first time I thought that they were just being boys, collecting and comparing rocks to pass the time while the adults take care of business. I was suprised how women were allowed to participate in the drawing if they did not have a man or grown son around. While reading it the first time I was also suprised of the lack of excitement to participate in the lottery. "Guess I gotta fill in for the old man this year" (407). However after finishing reading the first time I would be less than excited too.

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