Thursday, January 28, 2010

"A Good Man Is Hard to Find"

The grandmother is a religious pretender. She acts very selfishly towards the beginning when she doesn't want to take a family trip to Florida, but to Tennessee. But, when the car breaks down and there are men with guns, shooting her family one by one, she preaches to Misfit. She doesn't seem to care about the other family members who are being brought into the woods and shot, yet she is worried only about her life. She only seemed to care about her faith when her life was in jeopardy. I feel as if the family has true faith, because even after the grandmother tells them of the Misfit they still go on their journey to Florida. They have faith that they will hopefully not encounter this Misfit.
The grandmother realized before her death of the mistakes she had made. But God grants grace to people even if they have made many unrepairable if they accept him into their life.
Violence shows the reader that the world is not perfect and never will be. That even people that murder others can attain grace.

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