Monday, March 31, 2008

The Man He Killed

At first I thought this poem was about a man that was wondering why he killed this person, like he didn't understand why he was at war or what he was doing there. After discussing it in class I understand it is about a person who is regreting what he did, he is sad that he had to kill this man. "I shot him dead because-/Because he was my foe"(Hardy 9,10). I think that shows that him being a foe is the only reason he killed him. I also think the man feels bad about shooting him because he talks about the only reason he is in the military is because he was out of work and had no other option. "Was out of work-had sold his traps-/No other reason why"(Hardy 15,16). He thinks that the other man was in the same situation, was out of work and it makes him think was it worth it to join the military. Being in the military I kind of realize what the man is thinking. Like you don't have the option to think for yourself, you just do what your told without asking questions. I think the man is really feeling guilty and I think he will hesitate the next time he gets in a gun fight. Afte learning what nipperkin and half-a crown was it made sense that this poem was written in 1902.

1 comment:

Brandon said...

I agree that he regrets being killing the man but he had no other choice, but I don't think he would hesitate in a firefight. It is like muscle memory. Once you do something you are more apt to do it again, especially since he said he had no choice. He was not unnecessarily boastful. Also, I don't see anything that leads me to believe that he is suicidal. I would want him on my fire team. Brandon