Monday, April 14, 2008

" Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone"

The mood in the poem " Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone" by W. H. Auden leaves you in a somewhat depressed state of mind. Imagine if a person were to have this outlook after someone close to them died. It would be miserable. " Poor away the ocean and sweep up the wood. For nothing now can ever come to any good. (l.15, 16) What a depressing end to a depressing poem. I would say that the poet strikes on many readers emotion when they read this poem because many people have lost someone close to them and it is never an easy time. It seems as though the character in this poem has such a deep dark outlook that they will never be able to move on and feel happy again after their loss. After losing someone life does go on and life will get better. It is just a time in one's life that may be more challenging and need more attention. In the first stanza I believe that it also signifies a moment of silence for the deceased and time to reflect on what is going on. I think everyone needs that when a loved one has passed away.

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