Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Storm

In this story a chain of events lead to a characters adultery.

In the Beginning of the story Calixta's husband (Bobinot), and son (Bibi) get stuck at Friedheimer's store waiting out a bad storm. Calixta is at home alone during the storm until M'sieur Alcee (A former fling) unexpectedly rides up on his horse. Calixta welcomes him inside to wait out the storm. Calixta and M'sieur Alcee are both well aware that they are married, but the temptations are too strong. Soon their lips are locked...and so on.

I do not think that the storm is an excuse in any way for Calixta's and M'sieur Alcee's affair. When two people are committed to each other in such a way as marriage there should be no excuse for those actions. When God wrote the seventh commandment (Thou shall not commit adultery), I doubt he viewed a storm let alone anything as an excuse to break that commandment. No matter how hard life is at the time or how big of an argument you are in with a partner, there should always be an alternative to cheating. My favorite quote in this story was, "So the storm passed and everyone was happy". It is the people who wait out that storms that are able to think about everything more logically.

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