Thursday, January 22, 2009

"The Storm"

In Kate Chopin's short story "The Storm" two past lovers end up in each others arms and follow their feelings of passion, committing an forgettable sin, adultery.
When a sin is committed like the one in this story there is never and excuse for it. The storm is no excuse for Calizta and Alcee's actions. The storm may very well be the reason for why they end up under the same roof, the power of the dangerous storm bringing out their past feeling for each other, that are very strong, and powerful like the storm. They obviously still passionately care about each other. The storm in not the reason to act on those feelings. No they cannot control the strength of there feelings which my reflect on the power of the storm, causing Calizta fear, that leads her into Alcee's arms in the first place. The storm my be to blame for them being in each other company, but they can do the right thing and strictly only take cover to stay safe and out of harm. Instead Alcee's move to comfort Calizta end up causing more harm in possibly hurting the people they love along with themselves. They are responsible for their own actions and cannot use the storm as an excuse.

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