Friday, January 25, 2008

Story of an Hour

I absolutly loved this story. I was so shocked on how younger students understood this story. They thought that her husband was abusing her, because when he died she said "I m free, I'm free". The way I understood her was, she was free of having to always having to answer to her husband, and always doing what "he" wants her to do. When your in a long term relationship, you don't always do things that you want to, but what's expected of you to do. She was kind of relieved that she could finally live for her own needs, and wants. The younger students also thought that when he was actually alive, she died was because was going to get abused again. The way I took it in was, she was so happy that the love of her life was alive. I really like getting together as a class, and talking about what we read. It makes me look at a story in a new light.

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