Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Kite Runner

Knowing that Hassan and Amir are going through a tough time in their relationship because of the rape seems hard to deal with. It seemed like they were trying to forget that it all happened but Amir always had the guilt on him that he did not do anything about it and he just watched. I would not know what to do if I was ever put in that situation. I think me to would try to forget it even happened and shut people out of my life to help erase it. The families seem to break down and go their different ways. It was interesting to see how Baba and Amir travel to the United States from Kabul, and how they made a living in America. I feel bad for them in a way for the fact that in Kabul they seemed wealthy and now coming to America they have to start all over trying to find a new living. After reading about where Baba and Amir have ended up it would be interesting to find out where Hassan and Ali ended up after leaving Baba as his servants. One question that I was thinking about while reading was if Hassan and Ali never left would they to be in America with Baba and Amir?

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