Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Kite Runner

I was kind of dissappointed in the "Kite Runner" in the begining because I was lost at first. He all of a sudden jumped to Amir and Baba running away from their home. I am sure I would of understood it more if I remeber learning about it in history class. The author could have told a little more about it so you wouldnt get lost in it. I was happy that they came to America so you could hear from their perspective on how they saw America. Its weird seeing how they left Kabul pretty much being like the rich and famous, and coming to America poor. I would never would have guessed that Baba would develope cancer. Its something that hits you in the face. At the flea market when Baba was having a seizure and I thought that was when he was going to die from the cancer, I started tearing up! I really want to find out what happened to Hassan and Ali. I know they have to come back to the picture sometime!! I cant wait to read the next portion of the book to see what the author does with Amir getting married and Baba's cancer!


Kaylin said...

I agree with you that the beginning of the story had me totally lost. So many places that I had no clue about were mentioned. The author definetly could of been a little more explainative on that part.

Kaylin said...

I agree with you that the beginning of the story had me totally lost. So many places that I had no clue about were mentioned. The author definetly could of been a little more explainative on that part.