Wednesday, March 12, 2008


This is the first poem I have read that I actually understood what the author was talking about. I think it is really nice for a person to have his father and grandfather as role models and want to duplicat thier work ethic. You can definately tell that the boy wanted to be like his father because he has memories of going to work with his father when he was younger. "Once I carried him milk in a bottle Corked sloppily with paper" (Heaney 679). I have memories just like that when I use to go to work with my grandpa. He was a very hard worker and he used to cut trees down so he could build shelves and desks, he was a carpenter and he worked like 15 hours a day. The little boy reminds me of myself. It seems the man is a little depressed that he doesn't do the same kind of hard labor his father did. "But I've no spade to follow men like them" (Heaney 697. He says that he will use his pen as a spade. Meaning he will do his work with a pen like maybe writing poetry instead of farming. Out of all the poems we have read in class so far this one is by far the best one. It has the best message and I understand why the author chooses certain words.


viper82 said...

When I read this poem I felt it in a sense brought me back to my childhood as well. I can remember waking up early in the morning to go outside on the farm and help my Grandpa around the yard. I also remember caring so much about how he thought I was doing as I helped him. Anytime he would tell me I was doing a good job or that I was really working hard it made me try that much harder because the positive feedback felt so good. I know there were many times that I would look at him and think "when I get older I want to be a hard worker like that as well." As I have gotten older I have really come to appreciate how hard of a worker he has been over his lifetime and it continues to be motivation for me as well.

Cassidy said...

I like the way you blogged about this poem. I agree with you on the fact that this poem was easier to understand then most other poems we've read.I think its good when you can relate with something you've read. It makes it more of a personal experience.