Wednesday, March 12, 2008

My Papa's Waltz

Even after discussing this poem I am still convinced that the son of an alcoholic dad is looking back at his childhood describing the daily occurences. I believe he is an alcoholic because of the phrase, "the wiskey on his breath" (873). I believe the father to be a hard worker because the son describes him with, "palm caked hard by dirt" (874). But after the hard working day I believe the father has a drink to relax. At this time he wrestles around with his son witch doesn't get to see him much. I believe the son loves him much because there are two phrases like, "still clinging to your shirt", (874) as the dad puts him to bed, and "he waltzed me off to bed" (874).


Jenny said...

I also still believe that he got abused. I am not sure about him being an alocholic but the vibe I got was him getting abused.

Jessica said...

I strongly agree with you. I'm not sure where Jenny is coming up with abuse. I just think a boy is just dancing and playing around with his dad who happened to have a few drinks after work. I think if he was getting abused the poem would be a more negative tone. Also you did a great job quoteing suporting you evidence.