Thursday, March 13, 2008

My Papas waltz

I really enjoyed this poem even though it was quite short. I captured everything that I needed to know from those four stanzas! From what I understood about it was that the little boy was getting abused.Like in the fourth stanza where it says " he beat time in my head"(Piercy 991). I am not sure if he intended it to sound like this but it sounds like he is getting beat to me! Granted yes why would he call him papa if he got abused but some people still believe that whoever abuses them are still good people. Some people think they don't know what they are doing is wrong and still love them. The only thing I don't understand is why the author sugar coats his words. I guess you could say he is almost trying to mislead you. I really enjoy reading poems as long as I can understand them. It doesn't necessarily have to make complete sense but as long as I understand it. I just hope the rest of the poems that we have to read are as easy to read as this one was!!


Andrea Olson said...

When I first read this poem, I thought it was an easy read. When discussing it in class I got a better prespective on what other class mates thought of it. I didn't think the father was at all mean. What got me thinking is just because drinking is involved, a lot of students get the idea of abuse. You really have to look at the words written.

Tracey said...

I agree with this poem being easy to read.After the discussion in class it gave me a different look on the poem. I know it could have gone both positive and negative on how you read it. When I first read through it I thought it was negative, then knowing it could be positive. I read through it again and I could see the positive side to it.