Monday, March 10, 2008

My Papa's Waltz

My Papa's Waltz by Theodore Roethke was about a boy an a father in a kitchen. The father was an alcholic and the son seemed proud to have his father around him. Some of the passage that made me think the son was proud were:
"but I hung on like death"(873)
"Still clinging to your shirt."(874)
the poem could go both ways positive and negative
the positive part is the speaker is explaining that his father having a drinking problem and it is okay because the son is able to spend time dancing around with his father. The negative side is that the father is dancing with his son drunk and it is not the graceful kind of waltz it is the abusive kind.

1 comment:

Kaylin said...

K, I disagree that he is pround of his father. I think he was abused by him and he just took it.