Sunday, November 23, 2008

Those Winter Sundays

In this poem, we see distant love of a father and a child. The poem starts out "Sundays too my father for up early," (Hayden 1) this the father is demonstrating that he was a hard worker and still woke up before everyone else to warm up the rooms. The father basically says love in the simple act he does. The child, who all grown up now, realizes that he should have noticed more of all the hard work his father did for him. His father did this because he loved them, he maybe didn't show his love through spending time with his children but by working hard, providing food, and making sure they are safe. Hayden writes that "[n]o one ever thanked him." (Line 5) His father not got a thank you out of his children after all he has done. Maybe he has lots of children and thats why he has to work even harder. His child now sees how much his father loved him and wishes he could go back tell his father thank you. This relationhip between his father and son is difficult. His father showed love in different ways but his child wanted love that his father never gave him until he grows up and sees that the lack of empathy that he should have shown his father.

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