Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Those Winter Sundays

I was a little confused by this poem. It begins simply enough. I think that the author is talking about when he was a boy and his father used to sacrifice and cut wood to keep his home warm during the cold winters. I almost kind of get the feeling that the author was unappreciative to his father then. He says “Slowly I would rise and dress…speaking indifferently, to he who had driven out the cold” (lines 8-11) I am unsure if the author is trying to say that he was mean to his father because the next line of the poem seems to almost have a tone of regret. The author ends by saying “What did I know of loves austere and lonely offices” (lines 13-14) I take this to mean that he was saying that he didn’t know any better as a child and that now that he has grown, he looks back wishing he would have appreciated his father’s love and sacrifice. Then again, that could be totally wrong. That is why I thought it was hard to uncover the true meaning of this poem.

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