Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Storm

When reading "The Storm" I was thinking that it was a love affair. Calixta was having it to make her love life more interesting hence her sexual experience with her current husband was not good enough. The storm was following along with the affair. As the storm was approaching and Calixta did not notice it coming she also was clueless on the fact that in awhile she would be having an affair with another guy. Alcee and Calixta seemed to have history before the storm, and feelings broke loose and they acted on them and that would have been compared with the storm just getting started before it exploded with rumble and lightening. Then when the storm had finished and passed by so did the affair. They went on living their normal lives acting like nothing happened.
After class discussion it made me think more about this love affair. First question that crossed my mind was why would someone cheat? Then I realized that Calixta could have had an arrange marriage. Some of the ideas in the story that helped me come to that conclusion would be Alcee was okay with his current wife to stay gone; Calixta seemed to marry the wealthy instead of having someone that could fulfill her sexual needs. If I was Calixta I would go with someone that could fulfill my needs even if they did not have the wealth that may make someone happy.

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