Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Yellow Wallpaper

This story has got to be one of the weirdest stories I have ever read in my life. I still dont really know what it is about. I just notice that the more she talks about the wallpaper the crazier the story gets. I actually feel bad for the lady because her husband doensnt let her do anything to make the time go by in. The things that John makes her eat and drink are grotesque, cod liver oil and lots of tonics and things. I dont really know how that is supposed to help a person but still they keep her in a room all by herself i would probally go crazy if that happened to me. I knew she was crazy when she said, "All those strangled heads and bulbous eyes and waddling fungus growths just shriek with derision" (Gilman, 12)! When a person starts to think of horrible things like that its pretty evident that there is something wrong in their head. The only thing i did not like about the story is the end where it says that John passed out i really want to know what that means. Did he die or pass out, and if he passed out what made him pass out. Was it that she was dead or was it that she was doing crazy things. Besides that i think the story is pretty good.

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