Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Kite Runner 1-79

The Kite Runner so far is a very interesting book and I’m glad I chose it to read it over the other one. I’m not a traveler so its fun to read about other places, especially different countries. The first 79 pages of the novel just introduced us to the characters and mention how it was like to live in Kabul, Afghanistan. I understood if you were wealthy that you had servants that kept up the house work and made dinner. Then after I kept reading I found it interesting that the servants were good friends of Amir and Baba. Baba had treated Hassan as if he was his own kid, and Ali, Hassan’s father as if they were brothers. I thought it was generous of them to not be treating them if they were servants and treat them as their own family. Later on towards the end of the first section something horrible had happen. That would have been the rape of Hassan. Hassan was a Hazara and they were not looked to highly of in that neighborhood. After the rape Hassan and Amir were put in a strange situation and do not know how to act towards one another. It will be interesting to keep reading and see how things turn out.

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