Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Kite Runner pages 1-79

I would just like to state that Amir is a straight up coward. How can you leave your boy, Hassan, to get beat down and raped in an alley by some neighborhood thugs. Hassan showed nothing but love for Amir and this is how he is repayed! That is just WRONG! Who cares if Assef had brass knuckles! Amir should have "cowboy'd up" and handled business. Amir acted like a little girl. You know, there was bricks, sticks or rocks and also the elment of suprise. To be quite honest, that really angered me alot. Wow, with friends like that, who needs enemies. What should of happened was,Amir sneaked up on Assef and knocked him out with a stick. Then the other two thugs would have taken off. Then it would have been all good.If I would have done that, I would be ashamed of myself for life. For real, that was so scandolous of Amir to punk out like that.

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