Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Kite Runner- 1-79

It was really hard for me to put down the book after I had read to page 79. I knew that if I didnt I wouldnt remeber what to blog for this section! I really liked at the begining it grabed my attention. When I start reading a book it has to grab my attention right away otherwise I put it down and dont read it. Thats why about a week ago I decided to read this book because tess or what ever the book was called lost my attention. Anyways back to the kite runner, I am kind of confused who Ali and Rahim Khan is. At some points its the same person but in other points its not? Can someone please help me with this! At the end it really made me mad that he just left like that. If he really cared like he said he did he would have helped him. I guess I am not quite sure what possessed him to due this but it kinda pisses me off!

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