Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Kite Runner
As I started out reading this story I was not interested. The first twenty pages or so really didn't catch my attention because Amir jan starts explaining his past history with his friend Hassan, but nothing major happened at this point. I also wasn't familiar with the setting of the story in Afghanistan.
I felt the story started getting a little more interesting when I could start to realize the jelousy that Amir jan held with Hassan. I feel you can kind of relate that to sibblings of your own. Maybe I didn't show it or others also don't, but inside everyone at one point or another feels this towards another person. Although I don't think would go as far as Amir jan did by standing there watching his friend get raped by others. Especially after Hassan does everything for Amir jan and looks up to him. Now by standing up for him he gets the rap. Amir jan is far from a friend to him and Hassan doesn't even have a clue he did this.

1 comment:

BAM said...

I agree that if we knew a little more about Afghan history it would be easier to understand some of the readings. It definately was a little dry at the beginning but i thought it got more interesting as it went on. I also agree that siblings get jealous of thier siblings at one point or another, i know i did. It does seems that Hassan does more for Amir even though Hassan has the abilty to give way more than Hassan. He can read he is a rich kid but yet it seems that Hassan acts like the better person. Good post.