Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Kite Runner

I was very glad when I was told that this would be a choice for the book to read this semester. I had heard things about it in the past and to actualy have an excuse to sit down and read it was exactly what I needed.

So far, I am enjoying it. It takes a little getting used to the story telling style, as it is not what I'm used to, but is a good story. I was surprised to see that Baba shows some animosity towards Amir, basicly blaming him for exsisting and the death of his mother, but if you really think about it, he should be blaming himself, as he was the one that got her pregnant in the first place. The rape scene was kinda surprising, as it really came out of nowhere and the general lack of any fighting back struck me as odd. Perhaps Hassan figured it was going to happen regardless so he might as well let it happen instead of fighting back and getting hurt more, but I still expected at least some sort of resistance.

I really only have one question at this point and that is again, why Hassan didn't fight back. It just doesn't seem to fit.♠

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