Wednesday, February 6, 2008

"The Kite Runner"

I think this story is about a son who starves for his father's approval. Amir did not want to ruin his day, of his father finally being proud of him, that Amir did not tell him about the rape against Hassan.
I have mixed feeling about that, because yes, they were friends and Hassan would of done anything for Amir. If Amir would of stepped in on the rape, he would of made fun of standing up for a Hazaras, and probably beaten himself. I would of done the morally right thing, and tried to save my friend from Assef. I realize that is probably either said than done.
I was shocked to read that whenever Amir would have friends over, Hassan was always left out. It sounds like Amir and Hassan spent alot of time together doing things they both enjoy.
Hassan is a very loyal friend, more so than Amir. I think Amir is jelouse of his father's feeling towards Hassan, because Hassan get approval and Amir does not.

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